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關於namaste中文的評價, 歐馬克

【Yoga】 今早瑜伽練習時的體悟: 瑜伽有很多動作是互相制衡的 交纏手、交纏腳 把手臂卡在腿的外側互推 還有慣性總是會把太多的注意力放在前腳 卻忽略了後腳要有力伸直 腳掌用力踩住地面的要領   老...

20 minute “Yoga for the Back” I filmed sometime ago. Suitable for those of you who are sitting often during #SocialDistancing period and experiencing some tightness. It’s simple and great for beginners! Stay safe & healthy #Namaste 🧘‍♀️💛 • 20 分鐘背部拉筋。坐得多好容易會腰酸背痛。我之前有拍一段瑜伽片,一啲簡單嘅拉筋好容易做, 初學者都好啱㗎 ✨!有中文字幕。大家保重身體 💛 • View full video 繼續收睇: Sign up 報名➡️ www.MindBonnieSoul.com Subscribe 訂閱➡️ YouTube: MindBonnieSoul Follow 跟隨➡️ @mindbonniesoul https://youtu.be/53UnzKP1PVs

20 minute “Yoga for the Back” I filmed sometime ag...